Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Change of Seasons

It is almost November. And I really can't believe how fast time has been passing by me. It is already winter. Last time I checked it was still summer. But considering I do live in Florida it still basically is summer to me, haha. With this change in season I've noticed a change in me. I am ready for new adventures. As some of you may know I had an interview for a new job last week. I am patiently awaiting for a response, and it has got me all nervous. And I realized I am so nervous about it because I NEED some change right now. I am stuck in a rut, and I am just living everyday like the last. And I don't want to do that anymore. I need some new life experiences. 

If I get this job I think I will be much happier. It will create new opportunities of meeting new people, and just experiencing something different. Get me out of my same routine. I am really crossing my fingers and I hope you will too for me! Something else changing in my life is that I have decided to help my friend with a project she has been working on for awhile now. It is called "Sparrow in the Thorns". You can check out the Facebook page for it:  https://www.facebook.com/sparrowinthethorns OR Here is a link to the website: http://www.sparrowinthethorns.com/Basically it is a place to post your stories, your struggles, and your triumphs. It's a place to go when you need someone to listen and have no one to turn too. It's a really great thing she has going on. It has given me a lot of inspiration in my writing again. And I even plan on helping her make a promotional video for it! And that really makes me happy, because I haven't been able to record, edit, and produce a video since college. And I would really like to get back into the swing of things. 

Since my last blog I think I have gotten a bit better. My situation in which I was writing about last time hasn't really gotten any better. But I have learned how to cope with it better. Instead I occupy myself with all these new projects. I am trying to keep myself busy, because then I won't be as sad. I know I can't keep myself busy forever, and I know at some point things will have to change... but for right now I am dealing with what I have and I feel a lot better than I did last week. And that's all I can ask for. Music is still one of the things keeping me going, and my OBSESSION with TV shows lately. I have gone through complete seasons of multiple television series... It's safe to say I have a problem. But I enjoy watching them because I feel like I am apart of it, like what they are going through I am going through. And I guess that's also why I like writing so much. 

I think this season is going to be full of changes for me. In my career, in my social life, just in general. And I am looking forward to it. Maybe I am finally starting to see some clarity. Sometimes I just have to get knocked down pretty hard before I start to see the good things. Feeling as bad as I did last week really motivated me to get back to what I love. Get back to making videos, get back to writing, get back to making YOURSELF happy. Because we can't rely on others to do that for us. This is MY life and I won't let people keep me from doing what I love. Go out and find your clarity. Until next time. 


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