Tuesday, December 17, 2013


  13 Things I have learned in the year 2013 

1. Never be afraid to go after what you want. The unknown can be a scary place, but you won't ever find what your looking for if you don't search a little. 

2. People always change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not so much. But in the end you get to decide who gets to be a part of your life and who doesn't. If the change isn't in the direction you need, then there are a billion other people in this world ready to be your friend. You just have to find them. 

3. FAMILY IS EVERYTHING! Never forget that. No matter how far away you are from them MAKE TIME. Fly home and see your grandparents, call your parents weekly (if not daily), and connect with your siblings. Life is way to short to wait around for the right moment to call or visit. Hold them dearest because no one else will ever be there for you like them. 

4. If people want you in their life they will make an effort. And if they don't (revert to number 2), then don't stress over it. So what, just always remember to stay true to yourself. 

5. Never give up on your dreams. Everyone has to start at the dirt bottom in their career. Just never lose sight of what you truly want and do your best to go after it. 

6. Spend time with your friends. You don't have to have a lot, but the few ones you have, have the time of your life with them. Go out, be young, have fun, and don't stress! Nothing is better than a girl's night out (or in) as long as you can forget about your troubles and have a blast! 

7. NEVER EVER EVER move back to the North. It is WAY too cold. And who WOULDN'T want 80 degree weather in December? 

8. Stop giving so much to people who don't want to give you the same back. Your life shouldn't revolve around someone else's decisions. Be strong enough to walk away if you aren't getting what you deserve. 

9. Remember that the past is the past and there is no going back to it. You can't change what is done, but you sure as hell can move on from it. Always remember what you have learned and don't make the same mistake again. 

10. Losing weight can really make you feel better. But remember to keep it under control. Never go to far on either sides of the line. Be happy, but be healthy. 

11. GO TO THE DOCTORS GO TO THE DOCTORS GO TO THE DOCTORS (I still have yet to do this, so clearly I need to work on this in 2014) 

12. Try not to rely so much on "the plan". Instead live life day by day. Roll with the punches because you never know what may happen. Having a plan is good, but it doesn't always pan out. So be flexible, but never settle. 

13. And when all else fails and you feel as though you have hit rock bottom. Just know you can only go up. And don't give up on yourself, because at the end of the day, you are the one in control. So keep your head up and keep on keepin on. 

It's definitely been a year of changes for me, some for the good and some for the bad. But overall I survived and I am a fighter. And I will keep on fighting for what I want and what I deserve. So come on 2014 give me your best shot. And don't forget to keep on finding your clarity. 


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