Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Road Less Traveled

If you asked me a few years ago what my dreams were. I would have told you that I wanted to move to Florida and work for Disney. I would have told you that at age 25 I wanted to be engaged and by age 27 have my first baby. I would have told you that I wanted to get out of my small town and follow my dreams. I would have probably gave you all these crazy ideas with a huge smile on my face. 

But let's bring you to the present. Sometimes what you think you want, is so far from what you need. Yes I am living in Florida. Yes I am working for Disney. Yes I got away from my small town. But I am in any way shape or form happy? No, I am not. I miss my family, I miss my friends the ones that know all about me. The ones who can tell just by looking at me that I am not okay. But I can say that I do not miss the snow. Florida is truly a beautiful place. I love the weather, I love that I can wear dresses almost all year round because the temperature here is almost always high. And then there is Disney. I have loved this place since I was a baby. Probably before I was even able to talk I loved this place. It was my escape from reality. I always had fun when I was at Disney, I never had to worry about a thing. And I am sure that is how most people still see it. But working there really makes you open your eyes. I deal with rude people on a regular basis. The things that happen at that place can really lower your morale. 

I never wanted to work at a theme park for my whole life. I would love to progress with Disney. To end up at a position that I can grow and flourish with. But it isn't happening right now. And I think sometimes we need to step back and evaluate what is going on. Maybe it's time I start widening up my doors. Florida is a big state. I don't have to stay in Orlando. I could venture to other cities. I just want to find some happiness somewhere. I think too many times I get stuck in life. Either with jobs, or relationships, I know I am not happy but I just stay there because I am too afraid of change. I'm too scared to take the road less traveled. But I am never going to be happy unless I learn to let go, and learn to take new opportunities. 

At this moment everything seems to be falling apart in my life. But I think it is a sign. Everything falls apart, so even better things can fall together. Right now I can't see any positiveness in what is going on. But I can't just let this all crush me. I can't give up and run back home like I want to so badly. How will I ever succeed in life if I don't learn to accept failure and make a change from it? I'm learning that people are going to leave me, and I am going to leave people, and that is okay. It's okay to walk away from something. Because down the road you might find something else so much better. And if you can't get the courage to leave, then how will you ever be happy?

And at the end of the day, we all deserve to be happy. So I think my advice to myself and to you all is have the courage to walk away, have the courage to take the road less traveled. I am on my way to the less traveled road, so come join the path with me. I'm finding the clarity in the chaos, and so can you. Thanks for reading guys. 

Until next time....