Friday, February 28, 2014


Ever have one for those days where you want to climb to the top of the highest mountain and scream until your lungs fall out? Well that is how I felt this entire week. Everything that can go wrong, seems to be doing so, all with impeccable timing. I am pretty sure I can't take one more bad thing going on in my life right now. And since I can't go to a mountain and scream out my lungs out, I decided to write about my frustrations instead. 

My car. My freakin car. My terrible, crappy, freakin car. Number one thing that is stressing me out at this very moment. Today on my way to run a ton of errands that needed to be done, it decided to overheat. Okay... now maybe if I was some kind of "carsy or boyish" girl I would have been able to figure out what to do. But instead I am as girly as a girl can be, and so where did I turn? My Daddy. In most cases this would be a perfect solution. But me living in Florida, and him in New York... doesn't work so well. As I am on the phone with him and he is trying to explain to me what to look for "radiator, coolant, tubes with gaskets" in my mind I am thinking holy crap I am just gonna be stranded here forever. There was NO way I was gonna figure out what he was trying to tell me. Luckily I have AAA. Anyways ending of this long story is that they threw some water in the radiator and I drove back home, and the temperature never got any higher. So that is good, but none of my errands got done either. 

People are the second stresser in my life. I am not going to go into personal detail with all the people that have been making me want to scream lately, but just know that human beings are driving me bonkers. 

And lastly, this stupid job hunting. Just.... WHY? Why is it so difficult? I can bet money on the fact that within the last two weeks I have applied to 40 some jobs. And on HALF of them, my resume is "under review" WHAT GOOD IS THAT DOING ME?! My patience is truly dwindling and I'm about to go cray cray on some companies if they don't speed up this process. 

Even though all these things are happening to me right now and I am thinking to myself "why is my life so terrible", I realize it can't be that bad. I have a loving family who (even when they are miles and miles away from me still answers their phones when I need them) loves me more than anything in this world. I have a few really close friends both from NY and FL who have become my shoulder to cry on when I can't take much more. And even though I don't have the best job in the world, at least I have an income and can pay my bills. So as much as I want to go to that mountain and scream my lungs out, what good will that do? Then I am lungless (I know that isn't a word, but it sounds cooler than it looks) and having no lungs doesn't get me to my dreams any faster. So this blog's lesson is through all the turmoil and all those days where you would rather throw in the towel, see the light in the storm. There are people who would beg for the life that you are so willing to throw away. Learn to accept, and better more, APPRECIATE, what you got. 

I will be honest, I just now taught myself this lesson. All day I have been complaining about how terrible my luck is. And I just came to the realization while reading this that I am being a baby. So I hope all of you reevaluate your current "terrible" situation, and remember that it's not as bad as you think it is. Someone is always doing worse than you. Well I think I have made my point to myself, and to you all. So remember even when things royally SUCK, find your clarity in the chaos. 

Until next time